Call To Action element will help you display custom content intended to induce visitors attention. Element popup contains following options;
General tab
- Cta holder box style - Adjust .thz-cta-box-holder box style.
- Cta box style - Adjust .thz-cta-box box style.
- Animate - Add animation to the HTML container.
- Container metrics - Add custom class or ID to HTML container and adjust visibility on specific devices.
Text tab
- Heading - Add heading text.
- Sub heading - Add sub heading text.
- Text - Call to action text.
Button 1 tab
- Show button 1 - Show or hide cta buton 1
- Button - Button generator.
Button 2 tab
- Show button 2 - Show or hide cta buton 2
- Button - Button generator.
Icon tab
- Icon - Add icon to cta.
- Icon size - Set cta icon size.
- Background shape - Hide/show icon bacground shape.
Layout tab
- Elements settings - Set text alignment, button and icon position and vertical alignment.
- Spacers - This is the space between the element and the surrounding elements.
- Heading padding - Set heading padding.
- Sub heading padding - Set sub heading padding.
- Text padding - Set text heading padding.
- Set text heading padding. - Set buttons container padding.
- Icon padding - Set icon container padding.
Colors tab
- Heading color - Set heading color.
- Sub heading color - Set Sub heading color.
- Text color - Set text color.
- Icon color - Set icon color.
Typography tab
- Heading font - Set custom font settings for heading.
- Sub heading font - Set custom font settings for sub heading.
- Text font - Set custom font settings for cta text.