ProImage hotspots

Image Hotspots element creates attractive image area hotspots with custom tooltips

Image Hotspots element creates attractive image area hotspots with custom tooltips. Element popup contains following options;

Hotspots tab

  1. Hotspots area  -  Click on hotspots area to create new hotspot. Click on hotspot to open its settings. Click and drag hotspot to change its position.
  2. Add/edit image  -  Select the hotspots image.

Settings tab

  1. Hotspots metrics  -  Set global hotspots metrics. Hotspot mark is disabled if size is small. Global hotspots colors can be set here. Every hotspot also has a color options set wich than takes precedence over these color settings and theme defaults.
  2. Image size  -  Select the image size to be used.
  3. Container box style  -  Adjust .thz-hotspot-image-container box style.
  4. Container metrics  -  Add custom class or ID to HTML container and adjust visibility on specific devices.

Effects tab

  1. Animate container  -  Add animation to the image HTML container.
  2. Animate hotspots  -  Add animation to hotspots.

Hotspot popup tab

  1. Hotspot colors  -  Adjust hotspot colors. This option overrides global hotspots colors.
  2. Hotspot link  -  Add hotspot link.
  3. Delete hotspot  -  Click on the button to delete this hotspot. Note that there is no warning before the removal!
  4. Tooltip metrics  -  Adjust tooltip metrics.
  5. Tooltip text  -  Add tooltip text.